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1. Basic Settings

1.1 Language

Supported languages: Simplified Chinese, English, Español, 日本語

1.2 Theme

Options: Light, System, Dark

1.3 Pasteboard Monitoring

  • Function: Monitor system pasteboard
  • Default: Enabled

1.4 Encrypted Synchronization

  • Function: End-to-end encryption using Signal protocol
  • Features:
    • Suitable for data security in untrusted networks
    • Seamless transmission of text, links, and small files
    • May affect efficiency when transmitting large files
  • Default: Disabled

1.5 Launch at Startup

  • Default: Enabled

2. Network Settings

2.1 Network Information

Display: Current device's local IP and communication port

2.2 Service Discovery

  • Function: Allow detection by other CrossPaste devices on the local network
  • Note: When disabled, the device will not appear in the "Nearby Devices" list of other devices

2.3 Blacklist

Purpose: Store a list of blocked devices

3. Storage Settings


3.1 Storage Information

  • View options: Total storage, Favorite storage
  • Content: Storage size and proportion of each type of pasteboard item

3.2 Automatic Cleanup Settings

a) Expiration Cleanup

  • Default: Enabled
  • Image retention period:
    • Default: 1 week (unfavorited)
    • Selectable range: 1 day - 1 year
  • File retention period:
    • Same settings as image retention period

b) Threshold Cleanup

  • Default: Enabled
  • Maximum storage capacity:
    • Trigger condition: Exceeds set threshold
    • Cleanup method: Based on creation time, prioritizing earlier content
  • Cleanup percentage:
  • Purpose: Calculate the storage space to be freed